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The Way Out Is Through The Starburst

June 11, 2022

Shop Window Stockholm Sweden Photo by Heather Quinn 2019

"Two men looked out of prison bars, one saw mud, the other stars." author unknown

Hang onto your hat. Energy is beginning to move forward. Feels like we have been in a slight pause and now changes are moving forward. The way out is through the starburst.

I had a "vision" many years ago, shortly before the September 11 terrorist attacks. I do not remember what stimulated this vision, but I had another the day of the September 11 attacks. Both were very prescient.

The original vision came in a flash. I was about to move from a cherished home. In the midst of organizing and packing, out of nowhere, in my mind's eye, I saw an image of the" fool." The fool is a card in tarot decks which represents the innocence of a soul taking off on a long journey. It can indicate leaving for college, getting married, having a baby or even embarking on one's life journey. These transitions take us on whole new pathways.

In the image a dog was barking loudly and nipping at the heels of the fool who was about to depart. The barking dog seemed to be warning the fool. Next, in my minds eye, I saw what looked to be a metal structure like the side of a roller coaster and I heard a voice say, "Structures will be collapsing, don't look back, the way out is through the starburst."

I didn't know what to make of the message, but I sensed that big changes would be occurring and that it was important to go forward with faith, hope and heart. I wasn't exactly sure what the starburst meant and I am still not sure to this day, but I think it means to have faith even if things get tough..

I sense that as I am writing this 21 years later, that perhaps we are about to head into rocky waters and we should remember to let the stars guide us as the ancient mariners did. To most, that will mean the divine. For those not so inclined, it means to keep your head up and rely on your instincts, faith and your higher power.

What is the starburst??? Other than what we can guess, perhaps we will have to wait to see. Perhaps it will be a sign or symbol to guide us.

In the darkest of times, we can find a way. Our creative selves are amazing. Right now there are many events occurring which seem to be out of our control, but we have more control than we might realize. High gas prices, inflation, food shortages potential wars and viruses are frightening many people, but hey, we could cross the street and get hit by a bus!! Anything can happen at any time!!! Be creative within the storm.

As, artist and illustrator Edward Gory once said, "Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment, the floor might open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring." Our story is unfolding around us all the time and we can be a victim or a creator of its events. Understand that anything can happen at anytime. Have fun using your wits to not only survive, but thrive.

Sometimes our best moments, chance encounters and new opportunities emerge from difficult circumstances. I knew a woman who began a thriving design business when she lost her teaching job. Some people call these spiritual flat tires meaning that when something goes wrong, look for the opportunity in the crisis. You don't always see it. Perhaps that flat tire was God's way or life's way of saving you from an accident about to occur ahead!!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! I know this gets tiring when the struggle persists for a long time, but what other choice do we have? Let the darkness push you to new highs, new opportunities or new soul growth. Suffering is painful but can mold us in beautiful ways.

So let go, be prepared and reach for the stars. In crisis, be open to solutions, new opportunities, new pathways. The way out is through the starburst.

Edward Gorey House on Cape Cod. Fun place to visit. Amazing illustrator, artist and writer. Unique mind view.

Soul of an Artist


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