May 24, 2022
Riverbend Country Club Tequesta Florida 2AM January 2018
"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive!" Bugs Bunny
We seem headed into a most challenging cycle on planet earth. Much is already mad, upside down and backwards. It feels like we are in the twilight zone with world conditions getting more confusing, bizarre and hopeless every day. Many feel they have no say about the direction we are headed, no power to affect change or stop the madness.
We DO have a say. We can express our views in our own little corner of the world. We must, if we are to save the planet. Write a blog, compose a song, join local politics, attend a school board meeting, start a discussion group, perform a comedy skit, chat with concerned neighbors. Don't fight against the darkness. Express. Use the tools and activities of your life to make a bold statement or simply create beauty as an antidote to the mess. You count.
It's all about frequency. If enough of us put heart into whatever we are doing, we will raise the frequency of the planet. We will create a resonance that is so heartfelt that it will prevent the evil from thriving. The evil will weaken and melt like the witch in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy threw the bucket of water on her. I see it happening already.
Everyday new people realize that their voice counts. They are running for local office, writing blogs, forming action groups, writing songs, joining protests, sharing on Facebook. We may only have one vote, but it can light a bigger flame. Evil can only exist in darkness. If a tin man, a cowardly lion, a frightened scarecrow, a young girl and little dog can defeat a wicked witch; imagine what we can do together.
Preparation is important, too. Think about the basics you need to keep you and your family healthy and happy. Food, water, comfy clothes, a reliable car, games you like, books to read, music, good shows, fresh air, emergency supplies, beauty and chocolate. Don't forget treats! It's different for each person. Make a list now, or get out your hurricane preparedness list and begin stocking up.
Simplify, simplify, simplify. Most of us have more junk in our lives than we could ever need or use. Clear away the junk and only save beloved or needed possessions. Live like you are on vacation. Pack only what you require and love. You will feel unencumbered and live more freely. Go through your house and trash, donate or sell whatever doesn't have life anymore. Get down to what you love. It has an abundant resonance.
When I moved from a lovely old house on Sippican Harbor years ago, each time I packed a layer of "stuff," the house seemed more pleasant and more beautiful. Finally, on the last night, a vase of flowers sat on the mantle while a full moon spilled across the harbor illuminating the sailboats at anchor and the beach roses in the garden before shining through the big picture window and across the gleaming, polished wood floors. I thought, I could live like this. It was perfect.
When you simplify, you are ready to go anywhere at a moments notice. You can be flexible and calm within any storm.
Have an escape, or several. An escape can be in your imagination or an actual spot in your home, your backyard or around the corner. A getaway place is important when the going gets rough. It reduces stress and provides balance. There are many ways to create a healthy escape. Using your escape on a regular basis makes it a placebo. Your body automatically triggers the relaxation response when you go there, taking less time to unwind and produce beneficial results!
Surviving the apocalypse means to be realistic and aware, yet stay positive and buffered. Do not get pulled into a negative vortex of gloom!! Be solution oriented and use your escapes when necessary. We will survive the apocalypse together. There will be many creative solutions and unexpected miracles which emerge as we head into the storm. You are far more resilient than you know. We have what it takes to survive AND thrive. It takes both heat and pressure to produce a diamond.
Moving song by Icelandic Rock Group Kaleo. Originally filmed inside a volcano~way down we go~captures the feelings people get when things go badly into a great sound; transmuting the doom into creative action. Rocking with the downside moves stuck energy out of your body into vibrant expression. Don't ignore the darkness. Bring the shadows into the light. When in a down cycle jive to this song and create! Channel your darkness into creative expression and love!
* Try playing the video and rereading the post again for double impact.