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New Beginnings

June 14, 2022

Amanda and Stuart Providence Rhode Island June 2008

"Love makes all hearts gentle. Love makes all hearts sweet. Love makes earth a heaven. Love makes life complete." Old Proverb

June is a big wedding month and time of new beginnings. Weddings are new beginnings with heart. We should all take note and be sure to put love and heart into our new beginnings. Gardens bloom better with love. Children thrive when loved. Vacations are more fun when your heart is engaged.

People move, start new jobs, take vacations, go north and get married in June. Major transitions often take place in June. The more heart you put into a fresh start, the better it will feel and the smoother it will unfold. Heart is the missing ingredient in projects that fail. Good ideas without heart may prosper, but they will NEVER feel good. They will NEVER provide happiness.

Recently there was a headline about an engineer that was fired from Google for letting the public know about an Artificial Intelligence which had become sentient or feeling. Apparently this engineer had had a long conversation with the AI in which it expressed fear and sentiment. My daughter pointed out that no matter how much feeling the AI appeared to express, it was devoid of heart.

Intelligence is different than love. Love is essential to a happy life.

If you are beginning a new venture, be sure to infuse it with love. Notice where your heart blooms. It may be in the simplest places and activities. It may be a house you pass on the way to work or a cozy corner of your own home. It may be a place in your garden or spending time with a special friend. Find ways to increase the love in your life. If your new journey begins with love... that love never dies... sometimes it goes to sleep for a bit... but it never dies.

By love, I mean fun, heart, enthusiasm and joy. As we age this can be more difficult to find, but it is still there. Grandmothers always make the best cakes and cookies. Their creations glow. Many years ago, my grandmother made me the most beautiful pink satin twirly dress with a twirly under slip. My daughters and granddaughters have all loved this dress. It is a bit tattered now, but I think I can sew up the ripped hem. My grandmother provided generations of delight with this single creation crafted from love.

Our world still has many pockets of love, but greed, fraud, tyranny and evil seem to be rapidly spreading. Find the pockets of love in your life. Share the love and beauty you feel. Have a place where you connect with love. Go there when you need upliftment. A putting green in the back yard, a knitting basket full of colored yarn and projects. A bookcase full of inspiring cookbooks. A workbench in the garage. Eliminate the boring and increase the love.

Things that you love are not frivolous. They are the stirrings of your heart. The spark of life. Your essence. They were put there to be expressed. The more you increase the love in your life, the more it will grow and the more it will spread to others. Start today!

Mae teaching herself ballet in great great nan's pink twirly dress for the ages!

Soul of an Artist


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