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Navigate to Success

June 25, 2022

Loxahatchee River Paddleboat Ride March 2019

"The point of power is in the present moment." Louise Hay

This idea is so simple, yet so difficult to practice. Our greatest opportunity lies in each moment. It is the moment to moment choices that we make which navigate us one way or another. Are your choices moving you in the direction you wish to go?

In any moment we can speak up or stay silent, take the leap or hold back, use our will or let go. In each instance, the most beneficial action depends on the circumstances and our inner knowing of what will propel us toward the success we desire.

Timing is everything in life. "Ya gotta know when to hold em. Know when to fold em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run." Sometimes we blunder and make bad choices. We are human, but as we refine our skills of discernment, we have better instincts of when to act, when to hold back. when to push through and when to let go.

Know your goals. If your goal is to remain invisible, speaking up will rarely be your choice, unless you are imploring someone to please not remove your cloak! If you need to be noticed, you must discover ways to attract attention. There are no hard and set rules. Navigating to success means you must know what you want.

Don't know what you want? What you want, is usually the opposite of what you don't want and that is usually easy to figure! For example, if you can't fall asleep at night, what do you really want? Maybe you don't want to fall asleep. Maybe the messy kitchen is driving you crazy and you need to get up and finish the dishes. Or maybe you forgot to lock the front door. Maybe you're not tired yet and need to just sit on the front porch and watch the moon rise and listen to the night sounds. Or maybe something else is keeping you awake and you need to tend to it.

Once you take care of those issues, if you still can't fall asleep, determine how you feel and identify the opposite of that. If you feel restless, what is the opposite of that? Still? Peaceful? Relaxed? What does relaxed feel like? Remember a time. Floating on a raft in Maho Bay, St John. Sailing down a beautiful river into the sunset. Fishing on a rocky point. Choose. Visualize and drift off into sleep. Be sure you are not eating stimulating foods or having heated conversations before bed. Make sure your bedtime routines are relaxing. Having done that... try the technique described.

Once you know the dream you wish to manifest, make sure your moment to moment choices align with that dream, those goals, that success. Usually people have an idea of what they want inside them, but if it is too vague, then look for pictures or images of it. Fit body, sound mind, relaxed personality, healthy relationships, thriving finances, comfy home, enjoyable work. Each category is different for each person. Identify it and then moment by moment make good choices.

Be aware!!! One of the reasons we don't make good moment to moment choices is that we lapse into habit, mental fog or debilitating emotions triggered by some incident. World class athletes have trained themselves to rise above their habits. That is why they are so good. Many people have talent, but you have to train yourself to rise above self defeating habits if you want to achieve the success you desire and live your best life.

You may not want to change your whole life. There may be just one nagging part of it that is draining you. Don't mindlessly float through your day. Become aware of what you want, of what makes you happy and navigate your way to success moment by moment. Just do it.


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