May 2, 2022
Cascade Mountains Seattle, Washington
"Two men looked out of prison bars, one saw mud, the other stars." Old quote/author unknown
Do you ever feel like you are in prison? Do your routines sometimes feel like they constrain your spirit? Does your life ever feel like you are going through the motions, not fulfilled at your deepest level?
"Find any way to get back to the feeling place of what you want!" That is the way out of your dilemma.
The journey to fulfillment begins by correcting course moment by moment !!! Moment by moment, get back to the feeling place of what you want. Ask yourself, What would Rocky do? or What would Jesus do or What would the Princess do? Choose any icon or person who inspires the feeling you want or need in any given situation. Then follow through with that imagined action.
Your icon may be a real person or fictional character. Someone who embodies what you want to experience. A star athlete, a good listener, an achiever, someone who embraces life fully, someone who always stays positive, someone who knows when to quit. What you admire exists in you as unmanifest potential. If you can see and admire those traits, they exist in you or you could not see them. Step into that courage or initiative or boldness or endurance or whatever you imagine.
Want to succeed at a diet? Pick someone who inspires that perseverance and drive. When you feel low or tempted or weak, ask, "What would ______ do?" Feel the trait you want. Use your imagination. Choose a character that connects you with your power to succeed.
Ready to succeed at a new business venture? Who embodies the qualities you desire? Feel as they feel. Act as they would act. Perhaps you are a good dreamer, but need more aggressive action to succeed. Who embodies those traits? Step into their shoes as you move forward with your ideas. Life is a school for learning new things.
Role playing changes the vibrations in your aura. It changes your frequency. It changes what you "put out" into the world. When you change behavior, you create new results. You attract coincidences which help you succeed and boost your efforts. You create a new path with new successes and opportunities. You break free from your prison.
If your energy is low or defeated or constrained or stressed...find any way to get back to the feeling place of what you want!! Take the day off. Take a break. Stretch. Open the window. Take a deep breath. Step up your game or change your clothes. Imagine your role model. What would they do in this circumstance?
Find some way to lift your spirit and manage the current situation to the best of your ability. Do it now. Act on your intuitions. You may be in a wheelchair but there is freedom within that constraint. You can choose your music, your meals, your entertainment. You can become a master at some interest, write a blog or a novel. You can find small ways to bring delight to your daily routine. Never let your mind be stuck. Be the artist, the creator, the master of your destiny.
Look for the synchronicities that keep you moving forward. You may not get dramatic synchronicities at first, but don't doubt them. Watch solutions arrive. The hardest part of succeeding at change is stepping past your old habits. Be that new person...the one who has follow through; the one who trusts his or her judgement, but knows when to ask for advice; the one who values his or her self; the one who succeeds at dieting; the one who is assertive; the one who creates a new job position that works on every level, financial, spiritual, emotional.
Will you be victor or victim. The choice is yours? How you approach life makes a huge difference in results. Some people bust out of a ghetto mentality and become successful entrepreneurs while others remain trapped by it?
RIGHT NOW IN THIS MINUTE...Find any way to get back to the feeling place of what you want. Do it for the rest of the day and watch the fun begin!! It's the quickest way to be released from your prison. You've found the flow to freedom. Just keep following it!