May 4, 2022
Heritage Gardens Special Event Sandwich, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
"What would you wear if you were the main character in a story about your life?"
How do you feel right now? In this minute?? Are your pants too tight. Is the air stuffy? Is your colleague ranting on and on about nothing? Get comfortable!
Make this day about correcting all the little things that trip you up. Give away clothes that don't fit. Throw out that candle that smells awful. Arrange items used regularly, so that they are easy to grab. Fill the top drawer of your desk with things you use most often...pencils, pens, chargers, mints, rescue remedy (a homeopathic remedy for stress). Throw out the junk in the refrigerator and fill it with nutritious foods.
This isn't a major overhaul. It's about noticing what enhances a feeling of ease and comfort throughout your day and what creates stress, tension and frustration. Make a list or simply fix and rearrange uncomfortable things along the way.
Begin to dream!! How would you dress in your ideal life. How would you dress as the main character in your life. Likely some of your clothes fit you to a tee and make you feel good. Clothes can pick up your mood, reduce stress and enhance your enjoyment of life. Dress comfortably, even if you are going to the prom!! Have fun with style. You are the main character in the story of your life. Have fun with that.
Consider Patrick, a man who owned a white shell parking lot on the harbor in Provincetown. Patrick charged exorbitant prices, but his lot was pretty, well tended, had a clean bathroom and Patrick provided entertainment. Every time you went to park, Patrick was wearing a different and unusual hat. (He also had a joke ready to tell.) Patrick loved hats and this was a great excuse for buying, storing and wearing new hats. Patrick was having fun with clothes. Patrick was making himself comfortable and happy in a job that could be aggravating and boring. Patrick deflected a lot of cranky customers with his hats.
Dream your life. Dress the part. Do something quirky or fun. Give away all the clothes that make you feel miserable. Replace with simple things. You don't need much, but be sure what you have and what you wear make you happy!!!!!!!! Buy that special item that you love and just wear it!!!!!!!! Don't wait for a special occasion.
Most importantly...GET COMFORTABLE. Whenever you are messed up during the day, get comfortable. Use that mantra for a day. It will constantly redirect your actions and improve your day immensely. It will direct you into a better flow that will improve everything you do.
Troubleshoot irritating things. Change them.
You may simply shift your position in the car seat or excuse yourself when cornered by a depleting conversation. You may say grace before meals to relax into good digestive eating patterns (most traditions and rituals have very real practical reasons). You may stop in a heated argument, regroup and express your thoughts more effectively.
For one day use the mantra "get comfortable" to guide your day. Reassess how you present yourself to the world. Let your clothes and your mantra create a new you that flows through life's interesting adventures with grace, calm and ease.
Get comfortable again and again throughout your day. Something as simple as this will unlock the door to a world of pleasure, opportunity and success right there for the taking.